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Lazy Susan Spin Tray Installation

Lazy Susan spin trays can be a challenge when it's your first rodeo.


Installing the Lazy Susan spin trays is a simple task Follow these handy instructions and get the most out of this cabinet.

1) Select a 5-6" wide by the width of the interior cabinet length piece of 3/4" to 1" thick lumber (Not supplied)

2) Find the two spin tray hardware and spin tray. Flip the tray over.

3) Locate the center of the spin tray and place the hardware. Use the supplied screws to secure the metal spinner to the tray.. It will be necessary to spin the lumber and hardware to expose the screw homes.

4) Take the U-shaped support part. Locate the preferred mounting location of the spin hardware. Use the supplied screws to secure the hardware. Turn this assembly over on top of a spin tray. It will be necessary to spin the u-shaped piece to expose the screws. Secure the spin hardware to the underside of the tray.

5) For the middle tray use the long u-shape piece of lumber and two cleat blocks. Find the preferred height and secure the block to the right back and left side of the inside cabinet. Turn the u-shaped piece upside down on top of the blocks. . 


Measuring Lazy Susan Mounted

Measure the location where you want to have the Lazy Susan mounted. (See completed photo below)

Secure Hardware

Secure hardware to the mounting lumber.

Flip Assembly

Flip assembly over and expose screws.

Secure Spin Tray

Secure to spin tray. Spin hardware and mounting wood. Screw in second set of screws.

Center support mounting block. There are 2 of these.

Test Location

Test location. Secure this U-shaped wood to second spin tray.

Properly Mounted Second Spin Tray

Properly mounted second spin tray (top tray)

Installed Spin Trays

Properly installed spin trays.


By Richard Hopkins


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